Offshore Bonds and Mutual Funds

Offshore Bonds and Mutual Funds

Offshore Bonds

HDFC bank, DIFC offers you the simplest way to invest in increasingly complex financial products. With the advantages of diversification, liquidty, professional management, we offer a methodical approach to all your investment requirements.
  • Invest in a range of Offshore Bonds and Mutual Funds through a common platform
  • Avail free custodial services
  • Extensive Offshore Bonds and Mutual Funds offering within option for leverage
  • Customized product offering
  • Enjoy liquidity of your funds with options to reedem/withdraw money anytime

Mutual Funds

  • Mutual Funds are professionally managed funds that pool capital from investors to invest in multiple stocks, bonds and other securities.
  • We offer you the opportunity to invest in a full range of international funds that are managed by funds managers.